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Alan Hennessy here from Kompass Media, Digital Marketing Consultant and Social Media Marketing and Training Expert. I have been registered with for the past eight years and found their service and support outstanding. The sense of community is one of the best in Ireland and Europe. I am proud to be part of their Trusted Partners Programme and have worked closely with their team on a number of projects. Kompass Media currently manage and consult on their Digital Marketing Strategies and implementation. I also host and deliver a monthly Social Media Clinic for In this Clinic I share valuable advice on Social Media Marketing to Members. If you would like to book a discovery call with me and gain a deeper understanding of Digital Marketing please get in contact with me at
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Alan Hennessy
This is the testimonial about the networking event. I have attended the Connect and Collaborate Online Networking Event for a few weeks now. They are a fantastic way to connect with other businesses all over Ireland. There is a great variety in the businesses that attend. At every session, there is an opportunity to pitch your own business. There could also be a spotlight on one particular business or we might meet in smaller groups in breakout rooms. The atmosphere is very uplifting, casual and friendly. It’s an excellent marketing opportunity that every business owner should grab.
My thanks to all at for a terrific service. I’ve been dealing with for a year and always find them friendly, extremely supportive. The link from the directory has been beneficial in terms of traffic to my own website. In my experience, Whatswhat offers very good value for money for any small business trying to build a presence online.
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Ken O’Brien
Got a phone call from Michael from He was such a lovely guy, explaining how it all works and the resources available to me so I signed up.
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Joan Cashman
Successfull business stories
My success story, from Rags to Riches
Hi everyone, My name is Alan Brown , I own and operate a very successful decorating/property maintenance based in Wicklow Town and South Co. Dublin. This is my success story, basically from Rags to Riches:-   Due to life circumstances in Feb 2018 I was severly depressed and suicidel and admitted to hospital for two weeks, upon being discharged into the homeless services from Feb 2018 to Nov 2018. Came through the homeless system in Dublin and got a place of my own at the end of Nov 2018.   I got a job in a warehouse and moved on to contracting as a courier for DHL, unfortunately not the job for me. While working as courier i did some small  decorating jobs and I was told I didn’t lose it, that’s what I needed to hear,  someone to believe in me, that belief was the spark which ignited the fire. So now clever use of facebook was on the cards, what I did was put out old business posts of completed work and BOOM,  I was  receiving inquiry after inquiry. In October I brought the business back for a third time and now in a position where I am booked our 10 to 12 weeks in advance I consider myself one of the lucky ones because I  had a great mentor for the business, my dad, who gave me the passion to love what I do and to NEVER GIVE UP.   Regards, Alan AB Décor 087 240 6072
Alan Brown
ONE QUESTION that changed my life.
This is a little long but its very open, vulnerable and  personal. So please do bear with me! ONE QUESTION that changed my life. 2013.... "I hate myself. I hate my life. If I was dead everyone would be better off. I'm such a catastrophic failure." This was my belief, my relationship with myself, for nearly 35 years. At age 3 I lost my Dad in tragic sudden circumstances.  The love of my life. Just gone. From 12 I struggled with finding school easy but boring. Constantly in trouble. Bullying. Abuse. Barely scraped through school in spite of a high IQ. Deeply unhappy at home, in school. Almost zero friends. Nobody to talk to. Except counsellors and therapists from age 12 telling me I must try harder or that I'm spoilt. By age 39 even though I had a successful salon in Killarney I'd had two meltdowns and almost took my life twice. I was 4 stone (25 kg) heavier. Overweight. Overwhelmed. In dire financial and legal trouble. Heavy drinking. Substance abuse. Antidepressants. Therapists. Psychotherapists. Psychiatrists. I had just left an extremely toxic relationship. I felt humiliated , a man on the receiving end of bullying, played out in front of my kids. What kind of a father am I. What kind of a man am I. And I don't even have the guts to die! I lost absolutely everything in the weeks leading up to my 40th birthday. Sleeping in my salon. Or my car. That's when it began to change. Even though I hated Eamonn, it dawned on me that my 5 little kids adored me. No , I'm not going to inflict my loss at age 3 onto them now, and by my own hand. I'm condemning them. I may not love me, but I love them.... and they love me!!! That was the spark. The light. From no way. A way. They. LOVE. ME!!! One night, alone in my car... WHY is this happening to me?!!!!! I roared at my steering wheel, tears pouring down my face. Then a stillness inside said... "because it is. Ask a better question. Then... the question that saved my life and would absolutely transform my life....... "Ok, so how would I like it to be?" "Never mind who I am right now.... who do I want to BECOME." "What if 40 isn't the end.... what if it's just the end of the dark? What if it's... the beginning? What if I felt whole and complete, what would that look like? What would that feel like?" The next couple of years would be unbelievably difficult. So many crushing setbacks and failures. It was such a challenge to get to see my kids. I worked so hard as a talented barber... according to clients- I didn't appreciate my work or myself. Yet I was always broke, anxious. I often fell asleep in tears. But these were different tears. "A million dreams is all it's gonna take ". Yes. I decided I am fucking sick and tired of being sick and tired!!! I'm going after it. I mean, I'm gonna die someday anyway, so there's nothing to lose... besides, I did that already!" I always always told my kids... someday we're going to live in a beautiful house. In nature. Near water. I won't be barbering anymore. I'll work for myself. My hours. And so it is.  They know I keep my promises. They're the fuel in my tank. At one point I worked three jobs to put myself through my studies. I remember getting up at 5am, creating content for courses until 7am, working all day as a barber, changing my clothes in the carpark, quick nap, then go see probono clients to hone my gifts as a coach, mentor, spiritual way-shower. So many people threw rocks at me, belittled me. Mocked me. I came close to giving up. So many times. No... one more step. One more go.... Now aged 48 and at a level of inner peace I could never have understood back then, blessed by unconditional love for my kids and from my kids, (my 5 saviours and my 5 greatest teachers, they've been on such a brave journey too), a beautiful home, working with wonderful clients and students to help them transform their lives, life is good. Life is amazing. I love life. I love that I get to be me. I work at my dream career now. Sure, I still have my dark days, but I now have so many tools and awareness for total transformation. And why would I keep it to myself?!!! So, my friend.... Ask yourself... who do YOU want to be. Figure out for YOURSELF... what makes YOU happy. How do YOU want to serve the world. Ask yourself these questions like your very life depended on it.... because it DOES. You absolutely CAN be do and have everything you want. I'm super excited about life's coming attractions!! I'm excited for you too, because I know exactly how great you are!!!!! With much love, gratitude and good wishes to you. Eamonn      
My business was seven last year and six and a half when COVID hit.
My business was seven last year and six and a half when COVID hit.  Last year started as the best year I had ever had.  In the proceeding 12 months I had set aside money, time and strategy to promote my brand much wider than I had ever done before and January to March 2020 it had worked a treat.  I was booked up completely up until May with speaking engagements, corporate training and a wide variety of personal clients.   I last spoke publicly (face to face) on the 8th of March 2020 and within a month of that date I was stripped down to 2 long term social media management clients and that was it.  I pretty much only kept those because they were food outlets as well.  With 3 months of virtually no income I just kept spinning my wheels online, sharing content that would appease my audience and then kicked off in June 2020 with a course I created that fit well into the Trading Online Voucher scheme.  This course has now become my most successful 1:1 course ever and since then I have pretty much - month on month improved on my client base and sales.  Its been wonderful help business owners, help themselves and give them the tools and experience they need to recharge their business.
Business Owner